Thu 28th & Fri 29th at 19.00
Sat 30th & Sun 1st at 15.00
WE ARE NOT ALONE: A Panicattack Duo Retrospective 2054 is an immersive auditory experience and performance, within an exhibition featuring installations, paintings, prints, sculptures, photography and various mixed media works, as well as a video piece made by @idaweltt
The sound piece made by @apri_goat is guiding the audience through the story. The performance activates the art works; with us taking you through the three floor installation and a dystopian journey from 2021 to 2054.
After the end of the first series of performances the exhibition will be open to the public until the end of December 2023. The visitors will then be able to indulge in the auditory experience, going through the space in their own pace.
The exhibition will conclude on 31st December 2023 with a last series of the performances (dates to be announced).
Sound Artist: Giulio Dal Lago @apri_goat
Video Artist: /da @idaweltt
Curators: Simge Burhanoğlu @simgeburhanoglu & Azra İşmen @darktitania
Production & Set Up: İzel Karaca & Metin Akbaş @nit3m
Performance Coordinator: Ayda Kayra @aydakayra_
Assistants: Sevgi Macide Canik @sevgimacide & Onur Tayranoğlu @onurtayranoglu
Press & PR Consultant: Burcu Dimili @burcudimili
Graphic Designer: Despina Psara @despinapsara
Technical Equipment Support: Staras Technical Productions @starastechnical
Supported by Cyprus Cultural Ministry